Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Be Inspired

What inspires you? Is it watching a live sporting event? Is it waking up early in the morning to drink your coffee and watching as the sun rises in the eastern sky? Is it reading an interesting book? Is it spending time with others in spiritual fellowship? Is it experiencing the wonder of God's creation?

What do you do when you're inspired? Do you go to work happier? Are you able to get along with people better? Do you become more creative? Do you enjoy life more? For me, all of the above are true.

Inspiration is one of the keys that unlocks the doors to creativity and contentedness. This is why the title of my post is 'Be Inspired'. I want my readers to make a list of things that inspire them and try to do or experience those things more often. Make an effort to be inspired at least once every day, if not more frequently.

When I am inspired, it not only helps me work better, be more creative, keeps me zealous and makes me enjoy life more; but it also gives me hope. Hope and inspiration are strong motivators towards a greater degree of success and happiness. If you find inspiration, you will likely find hope.

Here are some things that inspire me, big time:

1. Experiencing the Oregon Coast and spending time at the beach
At the beach in Lincoln City, Oregon

2. Going on a hike, deeply breathing in the fresh air

3. Reading an awesome book

4. Writing

5. Watching a good movie

6. Listening to music I love

7. Driving on the highway in my 1999 Ford Mustang with the windows down on a hot day

8. Having a good exercise session

9. Traveling to exotic locations

10. Performing hard physical labor on my parents' acreage.

11. Having special family time with my wife and kids

12. Remembering good memories from long ago

13. Having camaraderie with my loved ones and friends

14. Winning

My club team won the President's Cup up in Portland

15. The early morning sunshine when the day is young and full of promise

16. Spending time with God and His people

Sometimes being inspired just falls into your lap, but other times you have to make a conscious effort to be inspired. Don't settle for a humdrum, drab existence of seldom being inspired. Be inspired daily! Being inspired will help you do your best in everything you do. Leave some comments: What does being inspired look like to you? How does it feel when you are inspired?


  1. I am inspired when I drink scotch.

  2. I am not sure if this was the kind of inspiration I was thinking about, but I thank you for your comment, nonetheless. I hope you use alcohol sparingly and that you find other things that inspire you :-)
