Friday, September 27, 2013

Back to the MBA

In little more than a week, I will be laboring away on my MBA degree once again. I took a nice long break for summer, but to further my goals and those of my family, it is a degree that I must complete. I am now trying to get myself back in the mindset of writing paper after paper and doing hours of research.

I had originally wanted to get a M.A. in Counseling, but somewhere in my field experience, I decided I didn't want to work with mental disorders or fix broken relationships; I wanted to get into the positive end of psychology and find out how to human motivation works in order to help people accomplish their goals, thereby allowing that person to realize some degree of life optimization. I am going for the Masters degree in Business Administration because a manager or executive/leader has much to do with setting goals, motivating others and casting a successful vision for the future.

I am completing my MBA degree at Corban University, which is a school I have always wanted to attend and for this degree, there is a huge amount of writing required. The majority of the graduate work I have done this far has required far more writing than anything else. For my undergraduate psychology degree at Liberty University there was an even amount of being tested on the facts and doing writing assignments. For graduate work, the professors want to make sure you understand the material in a deeper way by promoting your own theories in writing and using applicable research from scholarly sources to back it up.

Squeezing college back into an already full life will be a challenge. It may involve staying up until early hours of the morning working studiously on research papers like I have done in the past. It's not easy being a full time case manager, husband, father and graduate student, but it can be done!

Do any of you have any harrowing college tales to share? What is the most difficult thing you've had to do in the name of education? Share your story in the comments :-)

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