Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Turned Thirty Today

Today I turn thirty. Somehow, I picture the 30 year mark as when people stop thinking you're a punk kid and start seeing you as a serious adult. This has been quite an eventful year:

1. I started on my Masters degree in Business Administration

2. I started a life coaching blog

3. My third son was born

4. I was given a prestigious award at work

5. I started Isagenix and took back control of my health
There are so many things I still want to do, but I am beginning to realize I may not have time for them all. Our lives on this earth are finite. There are only so many hours in a day, and if you're like me, you have a fraction of a day to yourselves. Here is a checklist of things I created when I was an adolescent that I wanted to get done by the time I turned thirty:

1. Get married to a hottie: Check

2. Have kids: check

3. Have served in the military: check

4. Have earned my baccalaureate: check

5. Have earned my first million dollars: requirement not met

6. Be a star soccer player and help win a World Cup for the USA: requirement not met

7. Live in a castle: requirement not met

8. Grow to be Six feet five inches tall: requirement not met

9. Own a Ford Mustang: Check

10. Write a bestselling novel: requirement not met

Okay, so there's a few things I didn't get done, and the ship has sailed for a few of them, but I am amazed at the things I did get done and I can look back over my first thirty years with some degree of satisfaction. Yes, I am striving to be better, faster, stronger and stronger, but I can say I haven't wasted my thirty years on this earth doing nothing.

On weird thing I noticed doing today was wanting to write 9/10/1983 when I am supposed to write today's date: 9/10/2013 on documents. Anybody else have this problem?

What were your goals to accomplish by age thirty?


  1. I turn 30 in March. I actually hadn't thought of any goals for my 30th birthday, but now you've got me thinking!


  2. Thanks Shannon. The thirty milestone provided some time for personal reflection for me. What a funny coincidence it is that we graduated from high school the same year: 2002. Do you guys call it secondary school up there in Canada? Always a pleasure to see your comments on my blog :-)

  3. this is probably the time when you will think of accomplishing the unfinished endeavour or create new more solid concrete plans in life. but i guess you've got some achievements already; maybe at 40 you will be able to add more toppings on it and the rest is spending with your wife, family and friends. some success is acquired to though luck and coincidence; it's not all about hard work and intelligence.

    I used to wish to be able to finish MBA like you but after years of work, it seems MBA aren't for me. :-)

    Happy birthday and wish you all the best and success.

  4. There is some unfinished business I have, but I aim to accomplish more meaningful goals in the next ten years compared to those accomplishments I left undone. I always have to be reminded to 'live in the present' because often my head is stuck in the clouds. Sometimes goals change and plans change, but that's okay. Life isn't set in stone and neither should one's plans and goals. Thank you for all your well-wishes, Emmanuel and I hope the same for you. :-)
