Sunday, September 1, 2013


Writing is a creative outlet which allows the writer to express themselves on paper or screen. It's a chance for a person to get their ideas out there and actually realize how they're connecting to their emotions. Writing can tell a story, record notable events and give instructions.

One of my journal entries from 9th grade

Many people choose to journal; whether they be novelists, mediocre writers or people who just know the basics. Writing in a journal or diary is therapeutic; it relieves stress and allows us to process our lives. I remember a time when I was extremely angry when starting a journal entry and by the time I had finished, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me. During the time I spent writing that journal entry, I had worked through my anger and cooled off.

Angry Like This Brown Dog

I encourage my readers to write. You can do it in a journal, write notes in a sketch book, or type on the computer. Writing will enhance your life and is a way you can keep track of plans and remember good times. I treasure all my old journals and find it amusing to go back and read through the old pages, realizing how much I've changed over the years.

A page from my fantasy fiction idea sketchbook

People like lists, so I have compiled yet another list of things that can be accomplished through writing:

1. Keep track of your goals

2. Let off some steam in your journal

3. Sit by a mountain stream and describe the beautiful natural setting on paper

4. Becoming a better writer to make you look good in your career (Practice makes perfect...or at least better)

5. Writing a novel that becomes a bestseller

6. Win the heart of a girl/guy through a handwritten letter.

7. Help you remember important events in your life

8. Help you remember who you are (In case you forget)

9. Make declarations of how you want to improve yourself and tape it to your refrigerator.

10. Making a to do list for increased productivity.

I hope after reading this blog article, that you will be more inclined to express yourselves through writing.


  1. You can DEFINITELY win the girl with a handwritten note!

    Thanks for the comments on my blog, James! When I was a high school teacher, I did journal writing with my students. They got marks just for writing something, drawing a picture, poem, whatever was on their mind. At first they hated it, but within a few weeks, Friday morning journals was their favourite time of the week. Writing is definitely soothing!

  2. Writing love letters has been one of my favorite pastimes :-) I wrote my (then to be future) wife a whole bunch of letters when I was deployed to Iraq in 2005 and when I got back she accepted my proposal and we were married shortly thereafter.

    I also had to journal as part of my high school classes. Sometimes I got into trouble for some of the things I wrote, though, because we would sometimes have to read them out loud. My English teacher in high school was a little on the stringent side. I remember sitting in the Vice Principal's office laughing with him over the reason why I got kicked out of English until the class bell rang.

    Journaling is a great exercise a teacher can assign their students. Writing is an integral part of life and I couldn't imagine my life without being able to write out what I want to communicate.
