Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How Much Are You Worth?

The question of this article, "How much are you worth?"has a very subjective answer. Your worth will be different in the minds of different people. If I ask one of your enemies how much you're worth, they might answer 'a nickel' or something like that. If I ask your mom, dad or kid how much you're worth, and they will likely tell me you are priceless or beyond describable value.

Many people, especially men it seems, put a monetary price-tag on their own self-worth. Men are hardwired to be the providers, so they may think of themselves in terms of how much 'bread they win' or how much 'bacon they bring home.' To think of yourself in terms of money, I think, is quite limiting. I challenge you to be more than you do for a living. Your worth is beyond extrinsic value.

How many people can you help with your kindness? How many lives can you improve with your wisdom and guidance? What nice things can you say to brighten another person's day? What can you do for others to improve how much they value themselves? I have found that the more you help others value themselves, the more you value yourself. Help others!

William Penn, the namesake of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania is profoundly quoted as saying something that comes to my mind often: "I expect to pass through this life but once. If therefore there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." Be like William Penn in this regard and show kindness to as many people as you can, because truly you only get one chance at this life.

People also incorrectly measure themselves in beauty/good-looks or physical ability. Physical appearance fades. The same can be said about strength and athletic prowess. The real value is the heart.

Christians believe that God valued mankind so much that He sent His Son Jesus (also God) down in the form of man to be tortured and executed painfully for the sins of every man, woman and child who ever lived. This shows that everyone has value to God, who is the ultimate value-giver.

 My message is that everyone is immensely valuable and I want my readers to not undervalue themselves. If we undervalue ourselves, it tends to bring us down into a state of depression and causes us to miss out on opportunities and other good things. If you're feeling low in value, do something kind for someone else. It will not only make you feel more valuable, it will display your value to that person you helped. I remember seeing another quote on someone's wall that said something like "People will forget what you do and say, but will forget the way you make them feel."
 Try also to see yourself in having the value that God sent his Son to die for. If we see ourselves as valuable we will live a happier and more fulfilling life.

What is your value? Who makes you feel valuable?

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